jennings, louisiana is along the southeastern coast of the gulf of mexico, and holds a rich history of culture, farming, and family, that creates a unique environment for all.

being the highest point between new orleans and houston, because of the salt dome the city lies on top of, the jennings area, is high on the list of being a key receiving community along the coast.

this city has the potential and want to grow and foster the cultural connections that many will not want to leave behind with the storm and sea-level rise that brought them here.

returning to the roots of caring for each other, cultivating and tending to the earth, is a way for healthier food options, and cultural traditions to not only breathe again, but start anew, as the community shares, works with and learns from existing and incoming community members towards a more cohesive surrounding environment.

this includes: art nature and educational centers, communal gathering space, disaster preparedness design solutions, mixed-income and equitable housing with ease of access to shared spaces.


Houston Zoo


LSU Campus, Recycling Center and Swamp-Walk