repurposing the threshold of urbanization into the place where many non-human friends, reside.
the existing site, embraces the contrast, and purposefully presents a daunting experience, that muddles the mindset of the approaching user, instead of inspiring, and transitioning from the fast-paced concrete jungle surrounding us, into the naturalistically themed habitats we come to observe.
95% IMPERVIOUS surface cover makes up a sea of parking, that is near impossible to navigate, let alone efficiently utilize, constantly releasing and reflecting heat, and consuming our eyes and ears with unnatural and angering sounds, building up to the entrance of the zoo.
this project proposes a redesign to further extend the wild nature of the Houston Zoo, out to incoming or passing pedestrians. instead of simply meeting you where your day has brought you, this site will invite you to relax and feel welcome to express yourself and your love for the WILD, while making your entry to the zoo, more anticipated enjoyable and meaningful!
redesigned approach: 66% PERVIOUS surface cover, 200% increase in existing and required parking, enthralling interactive art, and integration of natural resource harvesting
project received first place recognition at the “2024 Gulf Coast Green”, AIA Conference, student competition, HTX,